Morgan and Jenny were living one perfectly happy life... and then one day they decided to spice it up with some crunching, chewing, barking, little fun. So get comfy, make yourself at home, and enjoy our little blog of chips and dip (o)..

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I don't know how you do what you do.....I'm so in love with you

So the honeymoon is supposed to be up to the groom, right? I was all over that, but with me not being a big traveler, not having much time outside of work, and not being fond of seeing prices for such an endeavor, I found it best to outsource said responsibility to Jenny. Don't get me wrong, I'm still paying for the great escape, but Jenny was so good at reading my mind and offered to take over in the planning. Oh, how I love that woman.

It looks like we'll be spending a little over a week in Costa Rica at a couple different venues. We'll be spending three nights (give or take) in a beachfront cottage here: and four nights in a romance suite here: And for the first time in my life, we'll be flying first class! I may be looking forward to that the most. Ok, second-most. Being with Jenny is a hands-down #1.

Jenny has taken on a whole new form now that we're engaged and I don't know how she does what she does. I get so tired just thinking about the honeymoon (probably the easiest part), yet she has all this energy to plan that, the reception, the invitations, the logistics, the dress, the designs, the pictures, etc.

She's on fire and I'm in love with her more and more every day.


  1. jenny is the greatest! you are a lucky one. and your honeymoon sounds so amazing!!!! you two are too cute! :)

  2. I'll tell you how I do what I do: Chocolate, and no job.
    Easy as pie.

    Actually easier.

    Oh, and I have the worlds best boyfriend/fiance to keep me loved and happy and excited for every day as it comes.

  3. Dang it Morgan, why didn't you propose to me?
